Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!!!!!

Happy Thanksgiving!!! What a great day this has been! David and I got up this morning and got Chase up and we headed to the duck lease. This was Chase's 1st trip to go out there and actually sit in the blind. Once we got home, we gave a quick phone call to my sister in Florida and then over to stuff our faces at my in-laws houses!!

I have some BIG news!!! No, I'm not pregnant. When I say I have big news, someone always asks "are you pregnant!?!" I officially signed up for the New York Institute for Photography!!!!! This is the online correspondence course that I mentioned before that I wanted to sign up for after the first of the year. They raised the tuition so I wanted to get in before that happened.

Anyway, I'll post the pictures of our hunting trip tomorrow or when I get back over here! I'll be getting internet at the house after Christmas probably. David has to get back there (hopefully today) and get a hole drilled in my back room for the internet.

Anyway, have a great day and don't eat too much! Well, what am I saying - you're supposed to eat too much at Thanksgiving.

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